REPGRENADE 2017-11-20T12:09:36+00:00

Good or Bad…
Ratings Drive Revenue!
RepGrenade Builds, Protects, & Markets Your 5-Star Reputation So You Can Focus On Attracting and Keeping Customers


What People Read About Your Business On Google Can Be The Difference Between Success and Failure!

GMG’s proprietary solution includes both software and personalized service that automates reputation marketing for health care professionals, home service companies, mortgage lenders, legal firms and other small to mid size businesses that know the value of great service and a great reputation.

Get More Positive Reviews

Get more legitimate positive reviews quicker and easier than ever before.

Know What Customers Say

Know immediately when a good or bad review is posted online about your business.

Leverage Your Positive Reviews

We spread your best reviews all over the web including on high traffic social sites.

Protect Your Brand

Keep your finger on the pulse of your reputation and address issues quickly.

Train Your Staff

We’ll get your staff on board with your goal to get more 5 star reviews.

Get New Customers

Get more people to find you and more people to CHOOSE you over your competition.

Rank Higher On Google

Reviews are one of the most important ranking factor in Google Maps.

Survey Your Customers

Automatically gather valuable information from your customers.

Clear Reports & Analytics

Easily see how your reputation is growing in both reviews and reach.

No Term Contracts! – Cancel Anytime
If a service really works why would you need to be locked into a contract?
Call 1-866-243-2324 to learn more about The Most Comprehensive Reputation Platform In The World